MidWest Museum Conference – Module 10 | Digitizing 3D Collections for Museums

Roz presented her lecture on Digitizing 3D Collections online at the Midwest Museum Association series on Digital Empowerment.

Technical Workshop 1: How to Use Digital Assets for Documentation, Promotion and Programs

Beginner Level
Roz McNulty, CLO 3D Designer, Consultant and Online course teacher, MOTIF.org, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Description: Last year, the world art museums dropped 77% in attendance. At most one can see 5% of a fashion collection in a museum display and it can take years to see a specific piece. This fact should remind us we need alternatives and that we can show the world our collection if we can get it on a digital platform. Documenting historical fashion with existing softwares has been my passion and in the last year we have created a VR Fashion Museum.  Attend my workshop to learn more.

Module 10 | Digitizing 3D Collections for Museums

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