I will be speaking at the EVA London 2019 conference will take place from Monday 8th July – Thursday 11th July 2019.
EVA London’s Conference themes include the use of new and emerging technologies.
My talk is about the ‘Future Application of Digital clothing for Historical Costume.’ Explaining to the audience the documenting historical clothing with the new technologies of 3D apparel and 3D scanning. A introduction of what is possible with examples that myself and others have created with the 3D apparel industry software .
The show value and amalgamation of data of Historical 3D garments. A 3D garment when made is not just an image or an object anymore, it consists of specific pattern pieces (e.g. pockets, collars), specific measurements and shape, top stitches, trims, graphics, colours, and who contributed to which part of the design.

Paul Poirot Kimono versus CLO version

The garment on the far right is a photograph of a 1930’s Goetz coat from the Claus Jahnke Collection